Production Studio

Open-Week wTVision Studio

Join us for an exclusive Open Day - November 14-17 - at wTVision Studio, where we bring TV shows and events to life. At wTVision, we're passionate about delivering exceptional TV experiences, and we're excited to show you the place where it all happens.

Open Week wTVision Studio

What to Expect

Explore our latest cutting-edge TV production technology.

Meet our talented team and learn from industry experts.

Get a behind-the-scenes look at our latest projects.

Network with fellow TV professionals.

Book Your Slot Now!

Production Studio

Integrated Production Control Room

Our studio is equipped with a complete PCR to control audio, robotic cameras and distribute your show either through our highly connected facility via fiber / satellite or stream live to your platform of choice. We’re also able to bring in live content from other locations via the same interconnectivity (fiber and satellite) or through the public internet. Additionally, you can add a Skype or Zoom calling to any show in a simple intuitive way.

Production Studio


Our studio has all the commodities to accommodate large production teams, TV hosts, make-up teams, directors and operators. Based on wTVision’s headquarters, in Lisbon, there you’ll find a dedicated team, equipped changing rooms, free parking for the entire staff and a live production workflow suited for your particular project.

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